Mercedes-Benz Club of America:
The Star

The Star is the official magazine of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America. Carling Design was invited to respond to an RFP for the design and art direction of the bi-monthly, 128-page publication. Though the Club didn’t call for a redesign, Tom couldn’t resist tinkering. “I didn’t feel The Star went far enough to reflect the refined, upscale aura of the brand or the hipper, younger market Mercedes-Benz has been trying to attract.”

“In the original design, text and picture elements were as cramped as a Smart car. Along with styling and a more compelling layout, I wanted to introduce a lighter, airier feel.” No words, however, were harmed (ie. cut) in the creation of this redesign. Space efficiencies were achieved by cropping, scaling and arranging the images in a more logical hierarchy and by a font change and slight reduction in leading.

“With Carling Design, we know two very important things: First, we always get quality design consultation. And second, we have someone we can count on. Tom’s design solutions are always fresh and the workflow is as seamless as with our staff designers.”
— Alec Morrison, Director, Custom Content, Sports Illustrated